If a godwit lands on water, it’s dead…

Piran, 27.10.2022 Biodiversity>Global links>North America Australia&Oceania> Charadriiformes / Pobrežniki / Gulls Plowers / Progastorepi kljunač * Bar-tailed godwit ( Limosa lapponica ) Linnaeus, 1758 – Scolopacidae Kljunači > eBird: Limosa lapponica… GBIF: Limosa lapponica… Photo: eBird – Bar-tailed Godwit Biodiversity>Global links>North America Australia&Oceania> Alaska>Tasmania 27.oct.2022 – “If a godwit lands on water, it’s dead. It doesn’t have the webbingContinueContinue reading “If a godwit lands on water, it’s dead…”


Piran, 9.10.2022 Pred vami je prva skupina ikon Amphibia pripravljenih za spletno stran Biodiversity.Predstavljene ikone vas bodo popeljale na sprehod po celinah in državah našega edinega sveta za življenje. Delo v teku… Here is the first group of Amphibia icons prepared for the Biodiversity website.The icons presented will take you on a walk through theContinueContinue reading “Amphibia/Amphibians/Dvoživke”

Exhibition / Razstava Birds / Ptice

Spletna razstava Biodiversity Ptice / Birds… Risbe s svinčnikom Ptice / Birds – avtor Marko Jezernik Biodiversity Birds / Ptice online exhibition… Pencil Drawings Birds / Ptice – by Marko Jezernik Razstava je organizirana na osnovi sodelovanja med MJ Online Gallery in spletno stranjo Biodiversity / The exhibition is organised as a collaboration between &


  Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Echinoderms  Insects  Crustaceans Cephalopods Gastropods Bivalves Cnidarians Plants Algae Fungi Bryophites Safeguarding Arctic Biodiversity In all, the Arctic is home to more than 21,000 known species of highly cold-adapted mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates, plants and fungi and microbe species. This extensive biodiversity provides essential services and values to people. They provide not only food, but theContinueContinue reading “Arctic”


Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Jawless fish Echinoderms Insects Crustaceans Cephalopods Gastropods Bivalves Cnidarians Plants Algae Fungi Bryophites Despite world-leading nature laws, European biodiversity continues to plummet Biodiversity is fundamental to both planet and people. It provides us with clean air and water, food and medicines. But biodiversity is in crisis. Only 23% of species andContinueContinue reading “Europe”